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Our region celebrates 30 years of safer school road crossings

7th November 2014

Thousands of students in the Nanango Electoarte have been kept safe on school crossings since the introduction of the School Crossing Supervisor scheme 30 years ago.

Member for Nanango, Deb Frecklington said the scheme had made a huge contribution to protecting children and reassuring parents right across Queensland.

“I’d like to thank all our hardworking school crossing supervisors for doing their part to keep children safe,” Mrs Frecklington said.

“The School Crossing Supervisor scheme has had a 100% success rate since its inception, with not one fatality occurring at a supervised crossing since then.

“In hot, cold or wet weather, the supervisors are there, ensuring children are kept out of harm’s way and for this, we can’t thank them enough

She said when it was first launched 30 years ago, 255 schools adopted the concept of a School Crossing Supervisor.

In the Nanango Electorate, the first schools to sign up in 1984 were Goombungee State School, Toogoolawah SS, Kingaroy State School, Nanango State School and Taabinga State School. There are now 1,210 crossings, staffed by over 1,900 supervisors at 652 Queensland schools,” she said.

“The School Crossing Supervisors are also there to educate the children on safe road crossing practices.”

“The Newman Government continues to support and deliver initiatives such as the flashing school light program which provides a safer road environment around our schools. In the Nanango Electorate lights have been installed at Geham, Harlin, Taabinga and Kumbia and soon there will also be lights at Kingaroy SS.”

“I would also like to thank the schools, their principals and all others involved in helping this scheme continue for 30 years.

Supervised school crossings are a partnership between the Queensland Government, local councils and the school community.